Friday, April 27, 2012

What's been going on...

So it has been a while since I really updated things here which is due to me being a complete slacker! So let's catch up on things a bit. After some troubles with the attic everything is now clean and sealed. This took more than a little work on the part of my wonderful wife who was a Herculean help in keeping everything sane! You see the only company that does this kind of work, where we are, sent Laurel and Hardy to work on our attic. When they disappeared it seems that Jerry Lewis was sent to finish the work, with the help of the manager. We were still waiting on the repairs when my bride gets a call asking when we were going to send in our portion of the money for said "work". Needless to say the poor lady on the phone got an earful. Arrangements were made to first get a bill for the work (we got an e-mail with the breakdown of charges after we asked for it but no bill), next find out when the damages from L&H would be repaired. So while we are waiting for the repair date we get the bill and against my better judgment I pay the bill. What I was thinking I have no idea! So last week my office light began to flicker and I began thinking the worst! I went up into the attic and took a look around to see if L&H may have messed up the wiring while shoveling out insulation. It seems that the work was not completely done. In fact the clean up was garbage! So and after more than a little complaining and sending angry e-mails and phone calls to the company the manager came out and completed the work himself. The one upside was that my angry e-mail arrived before the check did and the company had enough professionalism to not cash the check which saved me the trouble of cancelling the check until the work was complete. Well it is done now and my wonderful wife crawled around the attic and inspected the work with a fine toothed comb. So in the midst of all of this I took on a long overdue project, building the hothouse for starter plants and herbs! We have a nice little herb garden that we started last year and it has put out some really nice herbs to make dinner a nicer event. Don't misread me, my wife is an excellent cook and can make a fantastic dinner using dirt, milk, a half eaten pork chop and a garlic clove! However if you add fresh herbs she is a wizard, and I am almost decent, in the kitchen! We have been discussing that with the cooler weather here a hothouse/greenhouse would add to the productivity and growing time for the herbs and small veg we grow. So about a year...maybe two years ago my bride found some free fiberglass panels for the project. They have done an excellent job of sitting for that time. Finally I got off of my butt and fashioned up the hothouse on the frame of an old trellis. It isn't the most attractive thing I have made but it is pretty OK. The best part is that it works and it is unlikely to fall apart anytime soon! The herbs and starter flowers we have put in there have absolutely loved the warmer temperatures! Success!!!! I even had enough time to weed the herb garden a bit, which thankfully my wife finished properly by cutting back the dead growth on the plants. Now that little herb garden is doing very nicely again and we are going to have yummy fresh herbs again this year!

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